Dish TV is one of the largest Direct-to-Home (DTH) operators in India. The company offers its users the option of downloading its application on their smartphones. The Dish TV app is available for both iOS as well as Android smartphone users. Note that the application is only of use to people who have an active Dish TV or Zing TV subscription. If you are a Dish TV customer, you can register on the application by entering your registered mobile number and the OTP for verifying the login. Here are all the features of the ‘My DishTV’ application.
My DishTV Features
My DishTV app offers users the convenience of accessing their Dish TV account 24 x 7. All the account information of the user can be seen inside the app. There are various features that the My DishTV app comes with. First is the convenience of instant recharge. Customers can recharge their account within three taps using different payment methods including UPI and wallets. Then there is ADI chatbot which allows users to troubleshoot common problems. My DishTV app also comes with an infrared remote inside the application which can be used to give commands to the Set-Top Box (STB). Note that the IR remote is only available for customers having an Android smartphone. The mobile app of Dish TV also allows users to modify their channel pack, check account balance, add more money to their wallet, and more anytime they wish to do it. If you are struggling with finding a certain channel and don’t know the channel number, the My DishTV app can be of big use to you. There’s a complete channel guide inside the application that will allow you to search for your favourite channels without much hassle. Further, to make the experience more personalised, My DishTV can help the users watch great content by recommending them something that they would like.